Catastrophe Reinsurance - Policy Detective
Insurance & Pension Policies
Bank & Building Society Accounts

Catastrophe Reinsurance

Reinsurance for catastrophic losses. The insurance industry is able to absorb the multibillion dollar losses caused by natural and man-made disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes and terrorist attacks because losses are spread among thousands of companies including catastrophe reinsurers who operate on a global basis. Insurers’ ability and willingness to sell insurance fluctuates with the availability and cost of catastrophe reinsurance. After major disasters, such as Hurricane Andrew and the World Trade Center terrorist attack, the availability of catastrophe reinsurance becomes extremely limited. Claims deplete reinsurers’ capital and, as a result, companies are more selective in the type and amount of risks they assume. In addition, with available supply limited, prices for reinsurance rise. This contributes to an overall increase in prices for property insurance.

Do you have old policies lying about? Perhaps it's a term or whole of life insurance, pension, endowment, bond or an annuity policy. Or do you receive statements for a policy which you are unsure about? Why not use Policy Detective to find the answers.

Which company now looks after your policy? Who can you contact about your policy? What do all those words and phrases on my policy document actually mean?

Policy Detective is a UK company for UK customers. We help you to track-down the Administrators for policies which you or your loved ones may have in the bureau or the attic. You never know how much money there could be in that old policy. It's not easy to find this information, as companies through time are taken-over, merge with other companies and even change their names. We can help you find the company which now deals with your policy. Some companies even allow us to check the status of your policy.

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